What Size should I buy?

Our flip flops come up true to size, and very similar to other brands of flip flops. This means, you should purchase the shoe size you usually wear. If you are a .5 size, we recommend going up rather than down. If you need further help, drop our customer service team a message on hello@wavesuk.co.uk.

Do your flip flops contain latex?

Yes – natural rubber contains latex

Do you do kids sizes?

We do not currently stock children’s sizes, however, as we grow, we are planning to increase the range of sizes that we offer.

What sizes do you sell?

We currently stock sizes 3 – 11. We are looking to expand this range in the future.

Your flip flops are eco-friendly, but you ship them all the way from Sri Lanka, how is this eco-friendly?

Unfortunately, the cold winter conditions in the UK climate does not allow for growing rubber, so it would not be possible to make this product in the UK. And transporting the rubber and producing here would raise the same issue.

We do not use air to bring the product across, we use sea freight which is the world’s most carbon- efficient form of transporting goods. As such, each pair of our flip flops contains 4.7g of carbon footprint related to transportation.

Is Rubber Sustainable?

Natural Rubber is a renewable source of material, we work with plantations to ensure that the rubber is responsibly managed and sourced, protecting wildlife and eco-systems

Your rubber farms are certified but what about the factory?

Our factory is SMETA certified which is a 4-pillar ethical audit process. More information on SMETA can be found here.

What about the packaging?

All of our postal packaging is recyclable, and where possible made from recycled materials.

The size on the strap does not correspond to the size I have ordered.

The strap sizes span across a number of shoe sizes, therefore the strap size does not reflect the shoe size. The size can be found on a label on the heel of the flip flop.

Are your dyes environmentally friendly?

We use natural pigments to colour our rubber sheets. The pigments we use are non-toxic and heavy-metal free. They are also Vegan, this means they contain no animal derivatives.

Where are your flip flops made?

The heart of our compnay was founded in the fertile slopes of Sri Lanka. Our flip flops are still made in Sri Lanka.

Is the Rubber you use sustainable?

All the rubber in our flip flops is FSC® certified. This forest management certification confirms that the forest is being managed in a way that preserves biological diversity and benefits the lives of local people and workers, while ensuring it sustains economic viability. FSC®-certified forests are managed to strict environmental, social and economic standards. There are ten principles that any forest operation must adhere to before it can receive FSC® forest management certification. These principles cover a broad range of issues, from maintaining high conservation values to community relations and workers’ rights, as well as monitoring the environmental and social impacts of the forest management. Our FSC® license code is FSC-C009557


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